Archived files are never saved in the correct network folders
Viewed 1986 times since Sat, Nov 29, 2014
ISSUE: PDF-eXPLODE is configured to save the exploded PDF(s) into a network folder. However, after each Process run, the files are found on the C: drive in either C:\PROGRAM FILES\PDF-EXPLODE\PDFs or C:\PROGRAM FILES\PDF...
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Can I create multilevel archive folders on the fly when exploding and emailing my reports?
Viewed 2917 times since Thu, Dec 4, 2014
ISSUE: I need to archive my Invoices each month by Salesman and then for each Salesman, save each Invoice under the relevant Client sub-folder. None of the folders exist prior to starting the PDF-eXPLODE processing. We provide our Sales...
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