What are the different ways to create exploded PDF file names?
I have some unusual file name requirements when processing PDF-eXPLODE document delivery. Can you detail the various methods by which we can customize our filename?
PDF-eXPLODE has a number of ways to configure and customize the exploded filename based on the Tag and rules you configure within the Options. A quick overview of a Tag structure will certainly help. The tag consists of 3 sections, each optional but at least one part/section must exist on a page between a pair of front and back nodes (<pdfexplode></pdfexplode>)
You insert PDF-eXPLODE tags in your documents to indicate which settings to use when exploding and e-mailing documents. The general format is:
The ‘%’ indicates the end of Variables, whereas as ‘#’ confirms that the word infront of it is a Message ID. The email address must always be at the end of the tag. Each part is optional. However, you must have at least one or more sections with Variables, Message ID or email addresses. If you have nothing between the open and close nodes, then PDF-eXPLODE will convert that page to a ’blanktag.pdf’.
Let’s look at how tags influence file names for exploded PDFs:
Email Only Tag:
<pdfexplode>mail@3000ad.com.au </pdfexplode>
This tag only contains an email address between the Open (aka ’Left’) and Close (aka ’Right’) nodes. The resulting filename is :
- mail@3000ad.com.au141203_151325.pdf where the email address is joined to yymmdd_hhmmss (Date_Time). This can be turned off or ’suppressed’ from the General Settings - Default File/Email Options tab OR
- mail@3000ad.com.au.pdf where the date_time in General Settings options has been suppressed.
<pdfexplode>Invoice12345, mail@3000ad.com.au </pdfexplode>
This tag starts with a non-email address which happens to be our desired filename. It is shown in the first position to the left of the email address. The rule in PDF-eXPLODE for file naming is that the first position in the email section of an 'Email-Only' tag will always be used for the filename. The filename created will be as follows:
- Invoice12345141217_152545.pdf where the specific fie name is the first position to the left of the email address. OR
- Invoice12345.pdf : where Date_Time is turned off at General Settings.
You can also have the same 'fixed' name for each exploded PDF in the batch and differentiate between them, by using the Date-Time stamp under General Settings in the Options screen.
Set the Exploded File Name under Mail Settings with the desired name like this for example:
and Date-Time stamp :
The filename created will be as follows:
Invoices_141217_152545.pdf Each succeeding exploded Invoice created will differ in the time by one second at least.
Message ID Tag:
<pdfexplode>Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au </pdfexplode>
The above tag refers to a Message ID specifically designed for Invoice processing.The default file name will be
- Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au141217_152545.pd where Date-Time on File name has not been suppressed under General Settings
- Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au.pd where Date-Time on File name has been suppressed.
Variables Tag:
<pdfexplode>12345AB%Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au </pdfexplode>
In the above tag, one variable has been introduced and terminated with a '%'. The variable is an Invoice number populated in the tag from the database, so it will change with each new Invoice. To enable PDF-eXPLODE to understand that "Var1" (first Variable) represents the desired file name, you must configure Variables menu item as follows:
Full name - this will create an exploded PDF with the full value of the Var1 e.g.: 12345AB.pdf or 12345AB141217_152325.pdf (where the Date-Time has not been suppressed)
Trailing - this Variable1 value will be placed at the back of the default file name "Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au" as Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au12345AB.pdf OR if an Exploded file name prefix is used in field (as shown in the image below), the file name created will be Invoices_12345AB.pdf (assuming the Date/Time stamp has been suppressed under General Settings)
Leading - this Variable1 value will be placed in the front of the default file name "Invoices#mail@3000ad.com.au" as this 12345ABInvoices#mail@3000ad.com.au.pdf OR if an Exploded file name prefix is used in field (as shown in the image below), the file name created will be 12345ABInvoices_.pdf (assuming the Date/Time stamp has been suppressed under General Settings)
There are probably other combinations you can think of and try for yourself. Send us your comments (mail@3000ad.com.au) on any unusual file names you want to create or are creating.