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How can I view the PDFeXPLODE configuration for another User on my PC?

Here is a tip which can assist you in viewing any User or Client (if you an external support organisation) PDFeXPLODE INI on your PC   

  1. Make a folder with a one word name for the User or Client under INIs sub-folder: example “3000AD” path- [installed folder]\INIs\3000AD
  2. Place the pdfexplode.ini, received from the client in this sub-folder
  3. Right click on PDF-eXPLODE.exe and select “Create Shortcut” from the menu.
  4. Rename this shortcut to PDF-eXPLODE_Client_3000AD (for example)
  5. Right click on shortcut and select PROPERTIES
  6. Edit the TARGET to be [installed folder]\PDF-eXPLODE.exe –CONFIGURE”3000AD”   (one space after EXE, + “-“ + ‘CONFIGURE’ + sub-folder name within double quotes without any spaces )
  7. Open the shortcut and on the main menu caption bar it will show “User – 3000AD”  
  8. Caution: If you open this Print process queue and drag and drop a tagged PDF on the white space  of the window, it will process and email based on the settings of this User "3000AD".  Hence it is necessary to change the Shortcut description and it's icon so it can't be confused with the normal processing PDF-eXPLODE queue. To do this:
    1. Right click on the short cut description and select rename; changes its name to say " 3000AD Properties shortcut PDFeXPLODE".
    2. Now we will change the icon by right clicking on the shortcut and select Properties
    3. When the shortcut opens, click on Change Icon and then on the BROWSE button. Now navigate to [installed folder]\icons and select one of the icon there.










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